Lettori fissi

martedì 21 febbraio 2012

Anna Piaggi, She is Like a Rainbow

Anna Piaggi è una giornalista e scrittrice italiana famosa per i suoi articoli della rivista Vogue,dove tiene una rubrica "D.P. Doppie Pagine di Anna Piaggi".
Anna Piaggi è la donna che utilizzò il vintage prima ancora che venisse coniato il termine.
Assolutamente una icona di stile non si poteva tralasciare, è un personaggio che, se si ha la fortuna di incontrare, cattura lo sguardo…. può piacere o meno ma di certo non passa inosservata.  Le sue mise coloratissime,abbondanti ed irriverenti sono ormai attesissime tanto che è un evento nell’evento. Il suo stile eccentrico e provocatorio fa moda e scatena i commenti!!!

Anna Piaggi is an Italian journalist and writer famous for his articles in Vogue magazine, where she writes a rubrica  called "DP Double Pages Anna Piaggi."
Anna Piaggi is the woman who used the vintage before it was coined the term.
Definitely a style icon could not be missed, is a character that, if you're lucky enough to meet, capture the look .... can like it or not, but certainly she don't go unnoticed. her colorful
, plentiful and irreverent outfits are now so waited she is the event within the event. His style is eccentric and provocative fashion and unleash  she moves the comments!

7 commenti:

  1. Great pictures! Following you now!


  2. thanks for your comment!
    I am following you back now!


  3. WOW! Anna has quite the eclectic taste, and these are amazing photos of her in action! Love your blog, and hope that you'll stop by. Would you like to follow each other?

  4. no that is over the top and fab...love a women with her own style.

    Love, www.shoeocracy.blogspot.com


  5. che grande donna!

    IF U WANT TO VISIT MY BLOG STREET CHIC http://chicstreetchoc.blogspot.com/
    U CAN ALSO FIND ME ON FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/pages/Street-Chic/126609910754628

  6. She's so fabulous! I'm now following you :)

    xo Gillie


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