Cosa ne dite di questi occhiali da sole? Sono un altro estratto della mia wishlist. Retro Super Future, penso proprio che siano belli e parecchio particolari, dei validi sostituti dei tanto inflazionati Ray Ban.
Eccovi alcune chicche!
Good afternoon, dear!
How about these sun-glasses? This is another extract from my wishlist. Retro Super Future, I think they are beautiful and particulary, viable substitutes for the much-inflated RayBan.
Here are some goodies!
How about these sun-glasses? This is another extract from my wishlist. Retro Super Future, I think they are beautiful and particulary, viable substitutes for the much-inflated RayBan.
Here are some goodies!
Wow....amazing sunglasses...Love them all especially the brown ones...!!!
Don't bother to pass by anytime..:)
super - looking :)